Sinus Lifting
Sinus Lifting Surgery in Turkey
When there is sinus sagging, there may not be enough bone and the bone support is low in the place where the implant will be placed. In such cases, bone augmentation should be performed in that area by surgical procedure. This procedure is called sinus lifting.
How is Sinus Lifting Surgery Performed?
Closed sinus lifting technique is applied in cases where the bone height in the jawbone is 4-5 mm or less. Under local anesthesia, the sinus floor is broken with special instrument called osteotome,small window is made ,the sinus is elevated and bone powder is placed in this cavity.
When is it necessary to perform Sinus Lifting Surgery?
There are several reasons why this treatment is necessary before implant treatment for our patients with missing teeth in the upper jaw.
If the bone height in the upper jaw is not sufficient for the implant,
If the sinus floor is too close to the upper jaw,
If sinus sagging symptoms are experienced.